Please pray for our departed loved ones Archbishop Victor's family


Mary Ragen d. Mother's Day May 14, 2000
Lewis Prentice d. Christmas night 1997
Agnes Beard, Arthur Beard, HH. Bishop (UK)
Edwin Beard (UK) d. 1971 - Lorry accident
Valarie Beard, Victor and Lily Loveridge, (UK)
Lawton Prentice, M.O. Prentice
Harvey, Vern, Merold and Mike Prentice
[along with Lewis were Veterans of WW2]
Mae and Emil Westmore, Bertha and Cy McCumber, Millie & Ferd Powell,
Doris Prentice, Beverly Prentice, Irene Rogers, Nancy Elna Prentice, Percy Wickersheim.
Delma (Prentice) Behring, cousin of Metropolitan Victor, who was married to Lt. Col. Jim Berhing and she is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Charles and Harold Prentice

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Family of Chiorepiscopus Andrew
Winifred Ann and Edward Joseph Morgan