According to the SCOBA Orthodox:
The word schism, from the Greek, schisma ("to split"), means a division or a split, usually in an organization. A schismatic is a person who creates or incites schism in an organization or who is a member of a splinter group. Schismatic as an adjective means pertaining to a schism or schisms, or to those ideas, policies, etc., that are thought to lead towards or promote schism.
We date the schism based on when Abp. Ofiesh was advised that he had no authority over the Orthodox in the New World by Greek Orthodox Archbishop Alexander in 1929. Bp. Alexander claimed he had all authority over all Orthodox in America!
SCOBA allows this myth to continue. The late Russian Patriarch Alexy spoke out publicly and disputed a claim that the Ecumenical Patrarch was head of all Orthodox worldwide. Scoba allows the Greek Archbishop to hold the office of president to perpetuate this myth.
The Ecumenical Patriarch is not head of all orthodox worldwide. He heads his jurisdiction as do all Orthodox Patriarch's. He has been officially notified of violations of the Sacred and Divine canons and proof was included but he allows them to continue. The canons state what the punishment is if you pray with the deposed1 or the excommunicated 2.
The Schism could be dated earlier but this is an easy way to show the intent of the Greek Archbishop and Ecumenical Patriarch Basil.
Other Schismatic acts include;
A. Refusal to recognize this Church from 1927 to 1933.
B. From 1933 on claiming the reason for not recognizing this Church was because Abp. Ofiesh married and deposed himself, retired or whatever other untrue claims they make.
C. Claiming the Church ceased to exist after the Archbishop married.
D. Then claiming Bp. Sophronius, later as head of this Church, suspended his Archbishop contrary to the canons, and later excommunicated Bp. Ignatius months after he left the Church.
E. Taking our clergy without the required letters, including suspended clergy.
F. Taking our property and members.
G. Allowing attacks against Abp. Ofiesh of Blessed memory for years after his death.
Allowing priests to make claims that accuse and charge a canonical bishop who has reposed and cannot defend himself of acts against the canons that he was never formally charged with while he was alive.
We consider the lies and attacks as insulting the bishop and the canons direct that one who insults a bishop shall be deposed 3.
It is a violation of the canons to fabricate charges against a bishop 4
There is a canon regarding anyone who plots against a bishop 5
Establishing their jurisdictions within our canonical jurisdiction and allowing their clergy to mislead the public about this Church and Abp. Ofiesh.
The words schism and schismatic have found perhaps their heaviest usage in the history of Christianity, to denote splits within a church or religious body. In this context, schismatic as a noun denotes a person who creates or incites schism in a church or is a member of a splinter church, and schismatic as an adjective refers to ideas and things that are thought to lead towards or promote schism, often describing a church that has departed from whichever communion the user of the word considers to be the true Christian church. Within Christianity the word schism may refer to:
The offense of inciting divisions among Christians.
The event of two groups of Christians ceasing to be in communion with each other, so that, whereas they formerly could worship together, they decide they must worship separately because of disagreements between them.
Within the Roman Catholic Church schism is still an act that incurs automatic excommunication as a penalty.