To: Metropolitan Victor
From: Bishop Joseph
Subject: act of the synod
Date: Monday, February 27, 1998 2:33 PM
The following local canons have been approved for THEOCACNA
Authority of the Archbishop president
1. Be it known that the Archbishop president has full and complete authority to ordain and incardinate clergy by this permanent waiver to any canons of the Church.
2. Be it known that the Archbishop president shall head any tribunal of the Church. Due to the size of the North American Holy Synod it is declared that the Archbishop president shall be assisted by Archbishop George and Archbishop Ignatius, Should they leave the Church or repose their tribunal seats shall be filled by the Archbishop president.
If there is just cause that other bishops on the synod cannot be appointed for any reason to the tribunal the Archbishop president may name to the tribunal any other bishop he determines can act in good faith to determine the matter(s) before the tribunal.
3. The final interpretation of the canons, local canons or those in the Rudder, shall be up to the Archbishop president.
4. The Archbishop president shall have final say in all matters pertaining to the Church, canons, and all other matters of the Church.
5. The Archbishop president's term of office has been changed to a life term, he may not be removed from office by any act of the Synod, his offices may not be taken from his authority, he may use whatever title(s) he ordains to use from time to time and he may suspend any clergyman including members of the Holy Synod for just cause.
Approved by the Synod
Archbishop Victor
Archbishop George
Archdiocese of Ohio
Archbishop Ignatius
Archdiocese of Pennsylvania
Bishop Joseph
Diocese of New Jersey
Archdeacon Stanley
Secretary to the President
Note: One of the synod advisers sent a note that he remembers this synod vote in 1998