The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholc and Apostolic Church in North America

By the North American Holy Synod

1721 - Suppression of the Moscow Patriarchate by Tsar Peter the Great of Russia and the founding of the Holy Governing Synod.
1794 - First Orthodox mission to North America led by Saint Herman of Alaska.
1815 - First Orthodox church built in Sitka, Alaska.
1848 - 15 December - Saint Innocent of Alaska is consecrated first Orthodox bishop for North America.
1870 - Roman Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility defined by its first Vatican Council.
1872 - Holy Governing Synod approves a separate North American church, calling for an "American" form of Orthodoxy.
1890 - First Eastern Rite Roman Catholic parish returned to Orthodoxy in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1897 - Polish National Catholic Church founded in Pennsylvania by disaffected Roman Catholics not being served by Irish and German heritage bishops.
1904 - First English translation of the Russian Liturgy authorized by Patriarch (then archbishop) Tikhon.
1917 - 13 May - Aftimios Ofiesh consecrated for the Syrian mission of the Russian Church.
1917 - 25 October - Bolshevist Revolution in Russia
1917 - 31 October - Archbishop Tikhon (of the North American mission) elected first Patriarch of Moscow since the death in 1700 of Patriarch Hadrian
1919 - North American Russian Church holds first Sobor (synod) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1923?- The Karlovsky Synod in Poland brings about a controversy within the Russian Church.  It is opposition to this synod that prompts the Russian bishops in America to act definitely and in unison to form the American Orthodox Catholic Church.  They seek to preserve the "truths of Orthdoxy" in accordance with what they knew to be Tikhons true heart (non Soviet coerced).
1924 - North American Russian Church declares its autonomy at second Sobor (synod) in Detroit, Michigan
1927 - 2 February - Archbishop Ofiesh appointed by Metropolitan Platon of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in North America (Moscow Patriarchate) to head The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America (American Orthodox Catholic Church) to serve all English speaking orthodox in North America.
1927 - Orthodox jurisdictions in the new world refused to accept this new Church and began turning their back on the Church (contrary to the canons and christian charity).
1928 - 1 February - The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America incorporated in Boston, MA. by Abp. Aftimios Ofiesh and 7 others.
1929 - Greek Archbishop Alexander of the new American Greek Diocese told Abp. Ofiesh that he, Alexander, was over ALL orthodox in the new world.
1929 - Schism in American Orthodoxy!
1931 - Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America founded
1932 - 7 February - Joseph A. Zuk consecrated bishop for the Ukrainian Church.
1932 - Ignatius W.A. Nichols consecrated but not seated on the North American Holy Synod.
1933 - Acting in accordance with an opinion of the Ecumenical Patriarch, and in an attempt to shape American Orthodoxy for the future, Aftimios marries in a bold and courageous statement regarding the applicability of Canon___ which states that bishops must be taken from the ranks of the monastic clergy or divorce their wives before consecration.  In America there were not enough monasteries and therefore the impetus was on +Aftimios to consecrate married bishops.  Since one cannot tell others to take a controversial stand without yourself taking it, +Aftimios married Miriam, a devout Orthodox woman of equal courage.
1933 - Synod stated the canon on marriage related to the Church in Europe & Asia and had no bearing on the American Church. The Synod supported the Arrchbshops marriage.
1933 - Bp. Nichols left orthodoxy and became pastor of a protestant church.
1934 - 23 February - Bishop Zuk dies
1934 - Bishop Sophronios Beshara dies.
1946 - The Cleveland Synod is not attended by Aftimios and condemmed by him because of the schismatic and communist political factions.  I know that to record a negative (he didn't attend) is usually not appropriate but it shows why Aftimios claims to autocephalously are valid.  The question of allegiance to the Moscow Patriarch had already been resolved as far as Aftimios was concerned and did not need to be discussed any further.  The 1946 Cleveland Synod was made up of a) Karlovsky supporters and b) Patriarch supporters.  Aftimios was neither so why attend?
  1947 - 6 February - Ignatius (Wm. Albert) Nichols dies.
1966 - 24 July - Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh dies.
1966 - 1995 - Church held in Locum Tenens due to lack of clergy.
1970 - Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church received a Charter from the Moscow Patriarchate and became known as the Orthodox Church in America.
1995 - New synod establshed and widow of Abp. Aftimios sits on corporate board of trustees.
1997 - Archbishop Victor Prentice elected Archbishop President of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America and successor to Abp. Aftimios.
1997 - Synod declares Church a Metropolitanate and grants the presiding bishop the title of Metropolitan.
1999 - Four former bishops "resigned" and walked away and setup a seperate altar and continued to claim our Church name while attacking the Metropolitan. Following the Canons the full synod deposed and anathematized them.
1999 - Mariam Ofiesh retires from the Church Board of Trustees.
2000 - Mariam Ofiesh died.
2003 - North American Holy Synod of THEOCACNA declares the Church the American Orthodox Patiarchate.
2007 - Synod issued Decree regarding jurisdictions and individuals who defame long dead clergy of this Church.
2007 - Metropolitan Victor Resigns as Metropolitan.
2007 - Abp. Leland elected new Metropolitan
2007 - Abp. John, Vicar of the British Isles named Metropolitan of the Britsh Isles & Western Europe.
2007 - Patriarch Nikon issues Decree & Declaration of Schism in American Orthodoxy dating back to 1929 by other orthodox jurisdictions. 2007 - Synod declares Arhbishop Aftimios a Martyr for the Faith based on the Great suffering he endured since he was appointed head of this Church which continues over 41 years after his repose.


*Part of the Karlovsky Synod later became known as the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).

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and Apostolic Church in North America
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