We seek benefactors to help finance a church project. Donations of $150. or more will receive a Rudder if all goes as planned.
Warning: Archbishop Victor is the owner of the Register Service Mark consisting of the Church name and logo as sown above used by the Church since 1927. He also owns the Registered Copyrights including our domain and photos.
Archbishop Victor was elected corporate vice-president of the Church in 1995. He resided at a small monastery in Arkansas for about 15 years.
On Feb. 15, 1997 Abp. Victor was elected Corporate President of the Church corporation and is presiding bishop of the Church Synod.
The synod directed Abp. Victor to place the corporate service mark in his name so when the logo was cleaned up and re-registered it is now in the Archbishops name. This was done to protect the church from independents who want to illegally use the church name and logo which make up our registered service mark. The Archbishop also owns the Registered Copyrights.
Please note that some so-called Orthodox clergy have claimed to excommunicate Archbishop Victor by one Thaddeus (Walter Condrick) of Hunlock Creek, Pa. He is not a clergy member of THEOCACNA, nor on the Church Corporate Board but he uses our church names (also our Registered Service Marks), +Victor was once contacted by a PA newspaper reporter many years ago and asked if Condrick was part of this church and he stated "NO". Mariam Ofiesh sat on our Corporate Board until 1999, while +Victor was Corporate President. We have had no contact or thought about Condrick since the 1990s when he was asked not to use our Church name and no contact with Condrick until this so called Decree of Excommunication arrived by regular mail dated June 19, 2016 and mailed Aug. 17, 2016 by Stephen Tyminski for "Thaddeus" Condrick. Since Condrick infringes our Federally Registered Service Marks we view him as a criminal by his acts for stealing our intellectual property.
THEOCACNA, a canonically established Orthodox Church, seeks Canonical Orthodox clergy interested in helping this church grow.
We seek Canonical Orthodox Clergy who are unhappy with their present situation and ready to transfer to a church where they feel they can fulfill the ministry they have been prevented from offering in their flock.
The following was written by a former member of our clergy about Archbishop Victor:
From 1982 to 2003 Archbishop Victor lived the life of a "consecrated hermit" under a spiritual director and a strict rule of life. This is to complete the earlier mention of his "hermit Life" and to separate him from just someone who lives alone. I would describe his vocation of solitude as one of prayer, fasting and vigil, simple work and ministry to the clergy of the Church as a Father to the Church. A Hesychast for whom the Way of the Pilgrim is a day to day life. Privately in celebration of the Mysteries and weekly Confession. Abp. Victor prefer's the quiet monastic setting.
In 2003 the Archbishop moved to Texas to help set up a low income housing project.
In 2010 Abp. Victor suffered an operating room injury at the Amarillo VA Hospital. The doctor stated he did not think the Archbishop would survive. By God's will the Archbishop did survive but his recovery has not been complete.
"American Orthodox Catholic Church" short name for "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America"® [Registered Service Mark]®. Along with our logo these are our Registered Service Marks.
This Church is the first American Orthodox Catholic Church established for the English speaking Orthodox in the "new world" and we are in our rightful jurisdiction. We are not in schism with the ethnic orthodox. They created the Schism against this Church in 1929.
Any group claiming to be this Church or the Church headed by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh of blessed memory under any name, or our name "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, Inc. are in no way associated with this canonically established Church. There are various groups making claims. Many use the name American Orthodox Catholic Church which is our short name since 1927 and our common law service mark. Some use a name similar to ours and with similar initials to ours "THEOCACNA". None of these groups have any Sacramental Authority from this Church We do not recognize any Episcopi Vagant lines that claim to trace back to this Church. We are the one and only 1928 Church that was Chartered by the Russian Synod in North America, headed and incorporated by Archbishop Ofiesh that continues today.
Due to all the false and misleading claims by members of the independent movement who state they are us, are us under a different name, claim our history and lines of Apostolic succession in an unorthodox manner or just use our name but admit directly or indirectly to being old catholic we have had to put together a list of as many as we have located who make these claims.
Any group claiming to be this Church or the Church headed by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh of blessed memory under any name, or our name "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, Inc. are in no way associated with this canonically established Church. There are various groups making claims. Many use the name American Orthodox Catholic Church which is our short name since 1927 and our common law service mark. Some use a name similar to ours and with similar initials to ours "THEOCACNA". None of these groups have any Sacramental Authority from this Church We do not recognize any Episcopi Vagant lines that claim to trace back to this Church. We are the one and only 1928 Church that was Chartered by the Russian Synod in North America, headed and incorporated by Archbishop Ofiesh that continues today.
It has been claimed by a number of independents that Archbishop Victor "owns" the 1928 Church Corporation. Of course this is false. The original (1927) Church Constitution gives the Archbishop-President much authority and past Synods have added to that authority. With this authority the Archbishop has acted to protect the Church from others who would attempt to take over the corporation illegally or by internal deceit. Now Archbishop Victor does legally own the (Registered) Service Mark which consists of the logo of the Church but also the name of the Church which is part of the logo. He has filed a declaration of Incontestability and the name & logo are his even if the Marks Registration is not renewed.
Archbishop Victor | |
Mailing Address: P.O.
Box 121, Sudan, Tx. 79371 USA | American Orthodox
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